
Eric B for President

In addition to getting a tune for Amy Winehouse's F-me Pumps from her debut album Frank, I have recently developed a similar penchant for Burger King save the brown paper bag. Burger King packages its French Fries in a Frypod which is a bemusing array of word play on the Mp3 player made by Apple Inc. Curious to find out why the Frypod is named after the iPod, I ran into a video on the disappearance of the Whopper. Switched with a Wendy's burger, angry patrons on hidden camera complain about the disappearance of the marquee on the menu. . .

2 Responses to "Eric B for President"


What does this blog entry have to do with Eric B, Nelly or the chick next to him? I actually don't get the point of this entry at all, your thoughts are all over the place and make no sense.

BlueMojito says
November 5, 2008 at 9:24 PM

You don't remember old school dances like the running man, the Roger Rabbit, and the epynonymous "Whop"?