
Archived Messages

I tried to check out a Carl Thomas concert on Friday evening, but when my hot pink high heels, hair and make-up began to melt from the high humidity waiting on line outside, I decided to take my party of one elsewhere. I did not see anyone that I knew, and I felt that I might have a better opportunity experiencing sour apple hookah on an outside patio. No one called that night although the email banter ealier that week announced a planned meetup for the Carl Thomas, and my recent hanging out buddies, my brother and his platonic girlfriend, were not interested. Communist China has allegedly entreated the help of the International Olympic Committee or IOC to block e-mail correspondence of the human rights afflicted Chinese public. In the United States, a republic of full disclosure, Hillary Clinton, opposed to her husband dodges the Federal Election Committee and blogs such as the Judicial Watch's Hillary Watch and Paul v. Clinton dedicated in her esteemed honor tracking such mundane occurrences as her guests at the White House when she was NOT a cookie-baking First Lady. Like Clinton, Vice President Dick Cheney has more to worry about than dodging Scooter Libby's collect calls at the office or Mary Cheney's next baby shower to worry about. The Vice President is tied up in Martha Stewart-esqe chit chats with the Securities and Exchange Commission on disclosures of the Halliburton slush fund to keep Nigerian oil barons from dumping the profits in the Niger Delta. Who wants to know? inquiring minds and the French government... As for me missing the club meetup...why can't you all call nobody?

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